About Us

Holy Trinity Parish was organized in 1965 by faithful Serbian Orthodox from Oakland, San Francisco, and surrounding communities. With God’s help and the tireless efforts of the founding families and friends, the current site and church building were purchased in early 1988. The photo from April 1988 issue of Contra Costa Sun on the left features members of Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church as they prepare to hold the church's very first event - Easter service. Gathered in front of the church are Yelena Mucovich, Edie Miladinovich, Sylvia Kinney, Hal Kinney, Nick Vujovich, Sava Dragisich, the Rev. Budimir Andjelic, Sophie Kosach and Mirjana Vujnovich.
Since that time, we have worked hard to beautify our church and property, one step at a time, to the glory of God. Over the past 30 years, the Church has been adorned with an Iconostas, icons, a cupola, and frescoes. A beautiful Cultural Center was built for parish affairs and community events. And the church grounds were landscaped to further beautify the property, making it even more attractive for wedding receptions and other festivities. Most recently, the Sveti Nikola Fountain in the courtyard, was completed and dedicated. Additional projects will be undertaken to improve the appearance of the Church and to make it an even more beautiful place of worship.
The most recent addition to the church grounds, the courtyard fountain, was completed and dedicated. to Sv. Nikola.
The Center provides a beautiful and spacious lawn area, a private patio and plenty of parking space.
Saint Nikolaj Velimirovic, Bishop of Zica, respected academic, and the author of many Orthodox books.
Created by Vladimir Jakovljevic